Friday, April 19, 2019 - The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD
The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD

The Mysteries of the Kingdom Of GOD

Luke 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

There was an age before this age, and there is one more age coming. The next age will be for eternity.

In the previous age, all of GOD'S children were in spirit bodies. We were the stars of GOD, for GOD calls HIS children stars.

GOD created billions and billions of souls. These souls had free will. Well, if you have billions of free will beings, you are likely, or should I say, you will have trouble!

See the King James Bible, 2nd Peter 3 and Jeremiah 4.

That is why it was necessary to have a Mercy Seat! If everyone were perfect, then why would there be need of a Mercy Seat, right? Anyway, two very powerful beings were assigned to guard The Mercy Seat, because the Mercy Seat is actually GOD'S THRONE! So, WHOEVER sits on that Seat decides. HE is the JUDGE!

Obviously, someone with such honor and doing such an important job, such as guarding The Mercy Seat, is going to have serious qualifications. Well, Michael the archangel was one of the two beings assigned to guard The Mercy Seat. He is a good guy! But the other guy assigned to that job.... Oh boy! That one was good at first, and his qualifications were extreme! That guy, whose name was lucifer, was seriously beautiful. In fact, he was so beautiful in his design, that he let it go to his head! Now, I'm sure that all these things did not happen overnight, but what did happen would result in the destruction of an age!

Well, GOD'S children, HIS stars, were deceived into rebelling against GOD by that beautiful being named lucifer. lucifer, also known as satan, and many other names, deceived 1/3 of GOD'S children into going against GOD and trying to take GOD’S THRONE!

You ask, well, what about the other two thirds, right?

Another third of the three thirds didn't care about anything. They didn't want to be concerned. Just like todays politics, they didn't want to know or be concerned with what was going on in the world.

The last third didn't like what was happening, but they just sat back and watched, but did nothing. They were lukewarm couch potatoes.

You may wonder then, who was on GOD'S side? Well, out of each of those three thirds, there were a few brave children that stood up with GOD! They fought with GOD to overthrow satan.

In the Bible, there are many places where they talk about the foundation of the world. If you look a little deeper, you will see that the word 'foundation' in those contexts also means overthrow. To those that know the Mystery of the Kingdom Of GOD, they know that what is being talked about is the overthrow of satan!

I'm sure it was a very emotional and exciting time, but not exciting in a good way. It was War! Well, even though satan was overthrown and is in prison right now, it is not over yet!

An important thing to ask at this time is:
What happened to those that stood with GOD?

Well, they're still around.
They had their names written into the Book of Life before the overthrow of satan, way back then. They stood against satan. They already made their decision as to WHO they would love. They are called the election, or the predestinated, or the chosen.

They are Justified already because they chose WHO they would trust all the way back then. They FIRST trusted in CHRIST!

They are no better than anyone else. They have their faults. And, in the flesh, you can be sure that they will sin. But when they do, you can be sure that they will get their discipline from GOD.

It's just that, they have a job to do. They fought with GOD against the devil once, and they will do it one more time.

I'm sure though, that even though they have to do it, that they want to do it! They love GOD so much, that it disgusts them about that prideful archangel trying to take GOD, their FATHER'S THRONE!

Well, to make a very long story short! Or at least shorter!

GOD had to make a decision!
HE loves HIS children, but they were bad!
HE didn't want to destroy HIS children, but they pulled an insurrection on HIM! What should HE do?

With HIS infinite wisdom, HE decided that instead of destroying the children that HE loves, HE would destroy the age instead, and give HIS children a chance to come back to HIM!

The flesh is a veil, and would make it so that HIS children could be born of woman and not remember the age before. Then they could decide who they would love. Would they love GOD or satan? Well, that's what we are in the process of finding out!

With every step you take, you are deciding.

In the meantime, GOD wrote HIS children a letter. The letter tells them everything that happened. It's especially written to HIS election so that they will know what to do at the end time! You know them!

If you wonder where that letter is, well its likely closer than you think! It may be on your coffee table, or on the fireplace mantle. It's called THE HOLY BIBLE! I recommend the King James Version of The Holy Bible and the Strong’s Concordance Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.

There are many of GOD'S children with free will, and then there is HIS election that does not have free will. The election are predestinated. They are already Justified because they chose WHO they would love back in the previous age.

Those that have free will are getting their chance to come back to GOD now! It's the Free Gift Of Salvation; although not all will accept that Free Gift where FATHER pays the price for the sins of HIS children. How did HE pay that price? HE paid that Price by sending HIS only begotten SON to die on the Cross in our place, so that we might live and have eternal life.
See John 3:16.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Now, satan deceived those children to go against GOD in the previous age, and satan is still deceiving them today.

Even though the election are predestined, which is why we have an ability to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD, that letter is still here for all to read. So, if for any reason, one of GOD'S children doesn’t get a chance to come to the TRUTH, GOD goes one more step to make sure that HE is fair to all HIS children. That step is called THE LORD'S DAY! We call it the Millennium today, but its purpose is to use Iron Rod discipline to teach HIS children to overcome satan. They will be taught for one thousand years. After the thousand years are up, those children will have to take on satan by themselves. There is no GRACE at that time. It's all by works. So, learn the TRUTH now!

The Millennium is a hard road to travel. If you learn the TRUTH now, before satan gets here (yes, he is coming back), you are likely one of the election! I can say that because the Bible says that only the election have eyes to see and ears to hear. Also, there are those that come out of worshiping satan during the great tribulation and wash their robes in The Blood Of The LAMB. These, and the election make the first resurrection.

The children who do not overcome satan by the time the thousand years are up, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for the devil and his angels.


We know that GOD is ALMIGHTY.
So, I want to give my opinion on something.

Remember, this is ONLY my opinion!

When I covered the book of Enoch, I noticed it stated that GOD gave the fallen angels an illegitimate mystery. They did not realize GOD’S actual power. They were given little knowledge of things compared to what was actually there. It would take a pretty dumb being to go against GOD ALMIGHTY!

I'm just supposing this, but I think that GOD is, in this age, and was, in the previous age, allowing HIS children to do whatever their heart is capable of doing (with the exception of the election, in this age). I mean, if a being is doing good only out of fear, does it mean they are truly good?

If a being doesn't generate love from within and realize that our FATHER, GOD ALMIGHTY did so much for us, all the way down to every breath, and love HIM back, then who knows what they could be capable of doing? They might even try to take HIS THRONE!

At the end of the previous age when satan attempted to seize GOD’S THRONE, one third of GOD’S children joined satan in the attempt. I believe that we are at a similar point in the development of this age. There is a One World System in development now that is similar to the One World System at the end of the previous age. The devil is due to show up here at any time. I think it likely that the third who rebelled against GOD at the end of the previous age are the same people that are present here now in this age. It might explain why the world has become so deteriorated.

End of opinion.

There is a whole lot more to this Story, but I'm going to sign off here...
Let me know if this has helped you.



1. I refuse to capitalize anything having to do with satan.

2. GRACE = Unmerited Favor.

3. The devil comes at the 6th Trump, the 6th Seal, and the 6th Vial. Hey! 666.

4. JESUS Returns at the 7th Trump! The devil comes before JESUS Returns.

5. The devil pretends to be CHRIST (The Anointed One), but satan is Anti CHRIST! ‘Anti in the Greek means ‘instead of’, not ‘against’. So, satan is coming first, instead of CHRIST.

6. Don’t worship the first powerful being that comes! Remember, the first one that comes is satan, and he will do miracles in the sight of man to deceive man into thinking he is GOD.

7. At the 7th Trump, when CHRIST Returns, we are all changed in the blink of an eye into our spirit bodies. Our spirit body is extremely more powerful than our flesh body. If a powerful being shows up on earth and claims to be GOD and you are still in your flesh body, DON’T worship him, it’s the devil pretending or masquerading as CHRIST! If you can pinch yourself and it hurts, you are still in your flesh body,so it is not JESUS, it’s the devil. The devil will try to deceive you into losing your soul!


The Holy Bible

Friday, April 19, 2019 - The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD
The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD

The Mysteries of the Kingdom Of GOD

Luke 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

There was an age before this age, and there is one more age coming. The next age will be for eternity.

In the previous age, all of GOD'S children were in spirit bodies. We were the stars of GOD, for GOD calls HIS children stars.

GOD created billions and billions of souls. These souls had free will. Well, if you have billions of free will beings, you are likely, or should I say, you will have trouble!

See the King James Bible, 2nd Peter 3 and Jeremiah 4.

That is why it was necessary to have a Mercy Seat! If everyone were perfect, then why would there be need of a Mercy Seat, right? Anyway, two very powerful beings were assigned to guard The Mercy Seat, because the Mercy Seat is actually GOD'S THRONE! So, WHOEVER sits on that Seat decides. HE is the JUDGE!

Obviously, someone with such honor and doing such an important job, such as guarding The Mercy Seat, is going to have serious qualifications. Well, Michael the archangel was one of the two beings assigned to guard The Mercy Seat. He is a good guy! But the other guy assigned to that job.... Oh boy! That one was good at first, and his qualifications were extreme! That guy, whose name was lucifer, was seriously beautiful. In fact, he was so beautiful in his design, that he let it go to his head! Now, I'm sure that all these things did not happen overnight, but what did happen would result in the destruction of an age!

Well, GOD'S children, HIS stars, were deceived into rebelling against GOD by that beautiful being named lucifer. lucifer, also known as satan, and many other names, deceived 1/3 of GOD'S children into going against GOD and trying to take GOD’S THRONE!

You ask, well, what about the other two thirds, right?

Another third of the three thirds didn't care about anything. They didn't want to be concerned. Just like todays politics, they didn't want to know or be concerned with what was going on in the world.

The last third didn't like what was happening, but they just sat back and watched, but did nothing. They were lukewarm couch potatoes.

You may wonder then, who was on GOD'S side? Well, out of each of those three thirds, there were a few brave children that stood up with GOD! They fought with GOD to overthrow satan.

In the Bible, there are many places where they talk about the foundation of the world. If you look a little deeper, you will see that the word 'foundation' in those contexts also means overthrow. To those that know the Mystery of the Kingdom Of GOD, they know that what is being talked about is the overthrow of satan!

I'm sure it was a very emotional and exciting time, but not exciting in a good way. It was War! Well, even though satan was overthrown and is in prison right now, it is not over yet!

An important thing to ask at this time is:
What happened to those that stood with GOD?

Well, they're still around.
They had their names written into the Book of Life before the overthrow of satan, way back then. They stood against satan. They already made their decision as to WHO they would love. They are called the election, or the predestinated, or the chosen.

They are Justified already because they chose WHO they would trust all the way back then. They FIRST trusted in CHRIST!

They are no better than anyone else. They have their faults. And, in the flesh, you can be sure that they will sin. But when they do, you can be sure that they will get their discipline from GOD.

It's just that, they have a job to do. They fought with GOD against the devil once, and they will do it one more time.

I'm sure though, that even though they have to do it, that they want to do it! They love GOD so much, that it disgusts them about that prideful archangel trying to take GOD, their FATHER'S THRONE!

Well, to make a very long story short! Or at least shorter!

GOD had to make a decision!
HE loves HIS children, but they were bad!
HE didn't want to destroy HIS children, but they pulled an insurrection on HIM! What should HE do?

With HIS infinite wisdom, HE decided that instead of destroying the children that HE loves, HE would destroy the age instead, and give HIS children a chance to come back to HIM!

The flesh is a veil, and would make it so that HIS children could be born of woman and not remember the age before. Then they could decide who they would love. Would they love GOD or satan? Well, that's what we are in the process of finding out!

With every step you take, you are deciding.

In the meantime, GOD wrote HIS children a letter. The letter tells them everything that happened. It's especially written to HIS election so that they will know what to do at the end time! You know them!

If you wonder where that letter is, well its likely closer than you think! It may be on your coffee table, or on the fireplace mantle. It's called THE HOLY BIBLE! I recommend the King James Version of The Holy Bible and the Strong’s Concordance Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.

There are many of GOD'S children with free will, and then there is HIS election that does not have free will. The election are predestinated. They are already Justified because they chose WHO they would love back in the previous age.

Those that have free will are getting their chance to come back to GOD now! It's the Free Gift Of Salvation; although not all will accept that Free Gift where FATHER pays the price for the sins of HIS children. How did HE pay that price? HE paid that Price by sending HIS only begotten SON to die on the Cross in our place, so that we might live and have eternal life.
See John 3:16.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Now, satan deceived those children to go against GOD in the previous age, and satan is still deceiving them today.

Even though the election are predestined, which is why we have an ability to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD, that letter is still here for all to read. So, if for any reason, one of GOD'S children doesn’t get a chance to come to the TRUTH, GOD goes one more step to make sure that HE is fair to all HIS children. That step is called THE LORD'S DAY! We call it the Millennium today, but its purpose is to use Iron Rod discipline to teach HIS children to overcome satan. They will be taught for one thousand years. After the thousand years are up, those children will have to take on satan by themselves. There is no GRACE at that time. It's all by works. So, learn the TRUTH now!

The Millennium is a hard road to travel. If you learn the TRUTH now, before satan gets here (yes, he is coming back), you are likely one of the election! I can say that because the Bible says that only the election have eyes to see and ears to hear. Also, there are those that come out of worshiping satan during the great tribulation and wash their robes in The Blood Of The LAMB. These, and the election make the first resurrection.

The children who do not overcome satan by the time the thousand years are up, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for the devil and his angels.


We know that GOD is ALMIGHTY.
So, I want to give my opinion on something.

Remember, this is ONLY my opinion!

When I covered the book of Enoch, I noticed it stated that GOD gave the fallen angels an illegitimate mystery. They did not realize GOD’S actual power. They were given little knowledge of things compared to what was actually there. It would take a pretty dumb being to go against GOD ALMIGHTY!

I'm just supposing this, but I think that GOD is, in this age, and was, in the previous age, allowing HIS children to do whatever their heart is capable of doing (with the exception of the election, in this age). I mean, if a being is doing good only out of fear, does it mean they are truly good?

If a being doesn't generate love from within and realize that our FATHER, GOD ALMIGHTY did so much for us, all the way down to every breath, and love HIM back, then who knows what they could be capable of doing? They might even try to take HIS THRONE!

At the end of the previous age when satan attempted to seize GOD’S THRONE, one third of GOD’S children joined satan in the attempt. I believe that we are at a similar point in the development of this age. There is a One World System in development now that is similar to the One World System at the end of the previous age. The devil is due to show up here at any time. I think it likely that the third who rebelled against GOD at the end of the previous age are the same people that are present here now in this age. It might explain why the world has become so deteriorated.

End of opinion.

There is a whole lot more to this Story, but I'm going to sign off here...
Let me know if this has helped you.



1. I refuse to capitalize anything having to do with satan.

2. GRACE = Unmerited Favor.

3. The devil comes at the 6th Trump, the 6th Seal, and the 6th Vial. Hey! 666.

4. JESUS Returns at the 7th Trump! The devil comes before JESUS Returns.

5. The devil pretends to be CHRIST (The Anointed One), but satan is Anti CHRIST! ‘Anti in the Greek means ‘instead of’, not ‘against’. So, satan is coming first, instead of CHRIST.

6. Don’t worship the first powerful being that comes! Remember, the first one that comes is satan, and he will do miracles in the sight of man to deceive man into thinking he is GOD.

7. At the 7th Trump, when CHRIST Returns, we are all changed in the blink of an eye into our spirit bodies. Our spirit body is extremely more powerful than our flesh body. If a powerful being shows up on earth and claims to be GOD and you are still in your flesh body, DON’T worship him, it’s the devil pretending or masquerading as CHRIST! If you can pinch yourself and it hurts, you are still in your flesh body,so it is not JESUS, it’s the devil. The devil will try to deceive you into losing your soul!


The Holy Bible

Friday, April 19, 2019 - The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD
The Mysteries Of The Kingdom Of GOD

The Mysteries of the Kingdom Of GOD

Luke 8:10 And he said, Unto you it is given to know the mysteries of the kingdom of God: but to others in parables; that seeing they might not see, and hearing they might not understand.

There was an age before this age, and there is one more age coming. The next age will be for eternity.

In the previous age, all of GOD'S children were in spirit bodies. We were the stars of GOD, for GOD calls HIS children stars.

GOD created billions and billions of souls. These souls had free will. Well, if you have billions of free will beings, you are likely, or should I say, you will have trouble!

See the King James Bible, 2nd Peter 3 and Jeremiah 4.

That is why it was necessary to have a Mercy Seat! If everyone were perfect, then why would there be need of a Mercy Seat, right? Anyway, two very powerful beings were assigned to guard The Mercy Seat, because the Mercy Seat is actually GOD'S THRONE! So, WHOEVER sits on that Seat decides. HE is the JUDGE!

Obviously, someone with such honor and doing such an important job, such as guarding The Mercy Seat, is going to have serious qualifications. Well, Michael the archangel was one of the two beings assigned to guard The Mercy Seat. He is a good guy! But the other guy assigned to that job.... Oh boy! That one was good at first, and his qualifications were extreme! That guy, whose name was lucifer, was seriously beautiful. In fact, he was so beautiful in his design, that he let it go to his head! Now, I'm sure that all these things did not happen overnight, but what did happen would result in the destruction of an age!

Well, GOD'S children, HIS stars, were deceived into rebelling against GOD by that beautiful being named lucifer. lucifer, also known as satan, and many other names, deceived 1/3 of GOD'S children into going against GOD and trying to take GOD’S THRONE!

You ask, well, what about the other two thirds, right?

Another third of the three thirds didn't care about anything. They didn't want to be concerned. Just like todays politics, they didn't want to know or be concerned with what was going on in the world.

The last third didn't like what was happening, but they just sat back and watched, but did nothing. They were lukewarm couch potatoes.

You may wonder then, who was on GOD'S side? Well, out of each of those three thirds, there were a few brave children that stood up with GOD! They fought with GOD to overthrow satan.

In the Bible, there are many places where they talk about the foundation of the world. If you look a little deeper, you will see that the word 'foundation' in those contexts also means overthrow. To those that know the Mystery of the Kingdom Of GOD, they know that what is being talked about is the overthrow of satan!

I'm sure it was a very emotional and exciting time, but not exciting in a good way. It was War! Well, even though satan was overthrown and is in prison right now, it is not over yet!

An important thing to ask at this time is:
What happened to those that stood with GOD?

Well, they're still around.
They had their names written into the Book of Life before the overthrow of satan, way back then. They stood against satan. They already made their decision as to WHO they would love. They are called the election, or the predestinated, or the chosen.

They are Justified already because they chose WHO they would trust all the way back then. They FIRST trusted in CHRIST!

They are no better than anyone else. They have their faults. And, in the flesh, you can be sure that they will sin. But when they do, you can be sure that they will get their discipline from GOD.

It's just that, they have a job to do. They fought with GOD against the devil once, and they will do it one more time.

I'm sure though, that even though they have to do it, that they want to do it! They love GOD so much, that it disgusts them about that prideful archangel trying to take GOD, their FATHER'S THRONE!

Well, to make a very long story short! Or at least shorter!

GOD had to make a decision!
HE loves HIS children, but they were bad!
HE didn't want to destroy HIS children, but they pulled an insurrection on HIM! What should HE do?

With HIS infinite wisdom, HE decided that instead of destroying the children that HE loves, HE would destroy the age instead, and give HIS children a chance to come back to HIM!

The flesh is a veil, and would make it so that HIS children could be born of woman and not remember the age before. Then they could decide who they would love. Would they love GOD or satan? Well, that's what we are in the process of finding out!

With every step you take, you are deciding.

In the meantime, GOD wrote HIS children a letter. The letter tells them everything that happened. It's especially written to HIS election so that they will know what to do at the end time! You know them!

If you wonder where that letter is, well its likely closer than you think! It may be on your coffee table, or on the fireplace mantle. It's called THE HOLY BIBLE! I recommend the King James Version of The Holy Bible and the Strong’s Concordance Hebrew and Greek dictionaries.

There are many of GOD'S children with free will, and then there is HIS election that does not have free will. The election are predestinated. They are already Justified because they chose WHO they would love back in the previous age.

Those that have free will are getting their chance to come back to GOD now! It's the Free Gift Of Salvation; although not all will accept that Free Gift where FATHER pays the price for the sins of HIS children. How did HE pay that price? HE paid that Price by sending HIS only begotten SON to die on the Cross in our place, so that we might live and have eternal life.
See John 3:16.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Now, satan deceived those children to go against GOD in the previous age, and satan is still deceiving them today.

Even though the election are predestined, which is why we have an ability to understand the Mysteries of the Kingdom of GOD, that letter is still here for all to read. So, if for any reason, one of GOD'S children doesn’t get a chance to come to the TRUTH, GOD goes one more step to make sure that HE is fair to all HIS children. That step is called THE LORD'S DAY! We call it the Millennium today, but its purpose is to use Iron Rod discipline to teach HIS children to overcome satan. They will be taught for one thousand years. After the thousand years are up, those children will have to take on satan by themselves. There is no GRACE at that time. It's all by works. So, learn the TRUTH now!

The Millennium is a hard road to travel. If you learn the TRUTH now, before satan gets here (yes, he is coming back), you are likely one of the election! I can say that because the Bible says that only the election have eyes to see and ears to hear. Also, there are those that come out of worshiping satan during the great tribulation and wash their robes in The Blood Of The LAMB. These, and the election make the first resurrection.

The children who do not overcome satan by the time the thousand years are up, will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone prepared for the devil and his angels.


We know that GOD is ALMIGHTY.
So, I want to give my opinion on something.

Remember, this is ONLY my opinion!

When I covered the book of Enoch, I noticed it stated that GOD gave the fallen angels an illegitimate mystery. They did not realize GOD’S actual power. They were given little knowledge of things compared to what was actually there. It would take a pretty dumb being to go against GOD ALMIGHTY!

I'm just supposing this, but I think that GOD is, in this age, and was, in the previous age, allowing HIS children to do whatever their heart is capable of doing (with the exception of the election, in this age). I mean, if a being is doing good only out of fear, does it mean they are truly good?

If a being doesn't generate love from within and realize that our FATHER, GOD ALMIGHTY did so much for us, all the way down to every breath, and love HIM back, then who knows what they could be capable of doing? They might even try to take HIS THRONE!

At the end of the previous age when satan attempted to seize GOD’S THRONE, one third of GOD’S children joined satan in the attempt. I believe that we are at a similar point in the development of this age. There is a One World System in development now that is similar to the One World System at the end of the previous age. The devil is due to show up here at any time. I think it likely that the third who rebelled against GOD at the end of the previous age are the same people that are present here now in this age. It might explain why the world has become so deteriorated.

End of opinion.

There is a whole lot more to this Story, but I'm going to sign off here...
Let me know if this has helped you.



1. I refuse to capitalize anything having to do with satan.

2. GRACE = Unmerited Favor.

3. The devil comes at the 6th Trump, the 6th Seal, and the 6th Vial. Hey! 666.

4. JESUS Returns at the 7th Trump! The devil comes before JESUS Returns.

5. The devil pretends to be CHRIST (The Anointed One), but satan is Anti CHRIST! ‘Anti in the Greek means ‘instead of’, not ‘against’. So, satan is coming first, instead of CHRIST.

6. Don’t worship the first powerful being that comes! Remember, the first one that comes is satan, and he will do miracles in the sight of man to deceive man into thinking he is GOD.

7. At the 7th Trump, when CHRIST Returns, we are all changed in the blink of an eye into our spirit bodies. Our spirit body is extremely more powerful than our flesh body. If a powerful being shows up on earth and claims to be GOD and you are still in your flesh body, DON’T worship him, it’s the devil pretending or masquerading as CHRIST! If you can pinch yourself and it hurts, you are still in your flesh body,so it is not JESUS, it’s the devil. The devil will try to deceive you into losing your soul!


The Holy Bible